Black Robin By Metalbird


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Black Robin by Metalbird. The pretty, round Chatham Island Black Robin is a tiny miracle. In the early 80s it was the world?? rarest bird ??the population was down to a single egg-laying female. A successful breeding programme turned it around and the world cheered as it came back from certain extinction. While the Black Robin is still desperately rare, the population now sits at 250-300 birds. We can?? sing the praises of this lovely songbird enough. It deserves to be honoured in your backyard.

This Robin?is: 12cm?high by 31cm?wide approximately 300g, made locally?in a family-owned factory, right here in?NZ, crafted from?3mm CorTen steel and designed to last a lifetime, easy to install?holding on a downwards angle simply tap the thickest end of the stake with a hammer or mallet until secure

(Install tip – Hold the Robin firmly with one hand, and hammer onto the flat piece of the branch. We’ve found most success by installing these birds in either trees or posts. If installing into a post or any other firmer structure, you may need to pre-drill a hole first).

These birds are designed with 3mm CorTen steel to form a protective patina that deepens and strengthens with the seasons. This patina will deepen in shade over the years until it reaches a deep brown/charcoal black hue.

This self-sealing aspect of CorTen steel provides a quality guarantee of up to 100 years, ensuring that our product lasts a lifetime and remains completely corrosion resistent.

What might initially resemble generic rust is simply the air and water-tight patina forming over a six month period, so don?? panic! Your Metalbird is doing exactly what it?? been designed to do, and this patina will protect the steel from any further damage and disintegration.

CorTen steel does not require any treatments, oils or chemical additives and is therefore extremely environmentally friendly.

Weight 5.1 kg
Dimensions 31 × 12 cm